Regular updates on new DeepCast Creator and Podsite features, critical bug fixes, and quality-of-life improvements.
Major Updates: Week Ending March 21st, 2025
New features and functionality:
Podsite changes:
Custom Pages: You can now create any number of custom pages for your Podsite. Want to add an About Us page? A page about your organization? A one-off page for a promotion or context? You can do all of those with a simple "what you see is what you get" editor. You can also order the pages as presented in your navigation bar. All pages are editable and can be unpublished or deleted.
Customize for you: You know what additional pages you want given your show's goals. You might want a featured guests page, a product page about products/services you offer, or a thesis for the show, or... You get the idea!
Color Themes: Choose from 14 color combinations—or a subtle variant of each—to differentiate your Podsite and make it more closely reflect your branding.
Brand alignment: It's key across all of your properties -- social channels, YouTube, podcast art, Podsite, blog, etc. -- have brand alignment in terms of look/feel (such as color!), tone/voice in your copywriting, similar font faces, and more. Consistency is key for that awareness to really register.
"Lite Pages": Your Episode List on your Podsite will now also include episodes that haven't been processed using the DeepCast Creator Transcription and AI secret sauces. These pages are fully funcitonal in terms of presenting your RSS feed episode metadata, an in-line media player, and providing links to all other players including Apple, Spotify, plus more (as well as those you add manually).
One Authoritative Page: Add all of your content in one place, with your branding, your messaging, and more. Even without the Creator AI bells and whistles on "unprocessed" episodes, the "Lite" pages provide SEO discoverability and 'try-before-you-buy' playback opportunities for your prospective fans.
Creator Portal features:
Portal theme colors overhaul: The permanent dark theme wasn't cutting it. It made things hard to read under many lighting conditions, it made it easy to miss things, and it wasn't helping anyone. So, the color overhaul we landed at is much more legibile and accessible.
Ease of use: Ideally this means you can do more of what you want through the Creator portal, and faster!
Other changes:
Monthly Pricing: In advance of a more comprehensive tiering structure (Free, Starter, Standard) which will also support month-to-month subscriptions, we rolled this out silently.
Try (the premium features for a month) before you buy (for a year): The free account gives you an indication of the free and (soon-to-be called) Starter offering, but you may want to upgrade to the full offering to get a sense if the incremental value offered is worth the cost—and not have to commit to a year in the process.
Usability improvements & Critical bug fixes
Quote Cards easier to find: The "Quote Cards" (image versions of Top Quotes) with micro-sites were hidden away on the Insights tab. You can now also find them (somewhat more logically) on the Social Posts tab, too.
Transcript downloads: Improved clarity on what button to click to get diarized transcripts, VTT files and SRT files for any given episode. The UI is now clearer, as is the text on the button. Definitely take advantage of these transcripts with your RSS host.
Major Updates: Week Ending March 7th, 2025
New features and functionality:
Podsite changes:
YouTube Embed: You can now embed a YouTube channel, playlist, podcast, or single video on your Podsite homepage. In the Creator portal, navigate to the Podsites page for further instructions on how to add video to your Podsite.
Meet the customer where they're at: Many listeners are interested in video, if you have it. If you do have it, be sure to share it! The more ways to engage with you the better.
Additional podcast player links: You can now add podcast links for iHeart, Amazon Music, YouTube, and SiriusXM. These are manual for now, but we'll work on automating their retrieval over time. These link updates also show up on your podcast/episode pages on
Reach & Discovery: Make sure that everyone can find you on their listening platform of choice.
Need help getting your show added on a given podcatcher/podcast player? Reach out to us on Intercom (the little chatbot in the bottome right of the screen).
Media player on episode pages: Each episode page on our Podsite now includes a simple media player for in-line/in-the-moment playback. This pulls from your RSS host's URLs, like any other player, so you'll get all ads and playback credit per usual.
Another teaser: The listner has made it this far, solet them play a bit while digging into summaries, takeaways, and more before they jump off to their player of choice to continue listening.
Topic tags/links: All episodes now include Topic tags that are linked for further topical discovery on If you are a paying user, and you wish to do so, you can disable the links and leave these simply as descriptive at-a-glance tags.
Ease of use: Let potential listeners very quickly wrap their head around the topics you're discussing to see if it pique's their interest. That's all the headspace some potential listeners have at any moment—topic clouds!
Link to listing: The "Listen On" block will include a link to your podcast page so listener's can discover and engage with your show content that might be unique to the experience, vs. what's on your Podsite.
Creator Portal features:
Manual Sync (Standard users only): Need the DeepCast RSS poller to grab your feed ASAP? Need to get at those insights & transcripts now? Hit the Synchronize Feed button and your episode should be ready for use in Published Episodes in ~5 minutes.
Other changes:
Podsite URLs in When you publish your Podsite, the Podsite will now be added as a Website Link on your podcast page on
More of you: After a listener discovers you on, let them visit your primary/authoritative website (the Podsite) to get at everything else you have to offer!
Usability improvements & Critical bug fixes
Fix Quote Card sharing: We refactored how you can generate the Quote Card images to make them much easier to create and share. Remember, quote card sharing is available on the Insights tab under Key Quotes. Just hit the arrow on the far right. (This improvement rolled out a week ago, but we wanted to make sure you were aware.)
Transcript Updates & Summary/Insights generation:Updates to transcript speaker labels will trigger a regeneration of all DeepCast insights.
Podsite &—Re-Order & Edit links: Link names can now be re-ordered for your hierarchical preference (more important at top, least so at the bottom) and you can edit link names & destinations after the fact.
Fixed Facebook sharing bug: Fixed a publishing bug when trying to post a Quote Card to Facebook.
Link updates: We migrated our "marketing site" to Webflow (a low-code CMS) and a number of links were miseed during the migration. Got 'em now...we think!
Supercharging podcasters. You create, we help you grow and monetize it.